Divine Techniques!

Need for a technique…

The procedure that is followed to complete a task is called technique. It is a systematic procedure or formula applied to obtain the desired result. When one studies and put to use a collection of techniques it becomes technology. If a cricketer wants to be a good batsman, he needs to follow and learn the right technique to face every ball. If he lacks that technique, he is bound to get out quickly. A right technique applied in any aspect of life increases the success ratio of the final result.

Same is the case with meditation. Though meditation cannot be discussed in techniques because any technique we use will be with the mind and one cannot go beyond mind with the mind, yet there is no other way for a beginner. If he follows these techniques, he can save much time and energy. In meditation, if you are guided by a perfect Master in scientific ways, with right techniques you can achieve great success in a short span of time.

Meditation is not a technique

As I stated earlier that techniques are helpful but don’t misinterpret the techniques or methods taught to you, to be meditation. When you start learning driving, the instructor guides you about the accelerator, brake, clutch, steering, back view mirrors etc. and the technique to use them, but that is not driving. With practice, one day suddenly you are aware that you are driving. Same way a Master guides you through various techniques of meditation and suddenly one day you realise that you have become witness. Meditation is being witness, to your body and mind. Various techniques of meditation are developed by Masters down the ages, to help you reach that stage of bliss and ecstasy, like Mindfulness, Dynamic, Sahaj Yog, Ashtang Yog, Kudnili Jagran, Shaktipat, Atambodh etc.

Drop the medium…

Once you reach the destination, you do not take the medium of travel along with you. Suppose you go to meet a person while travelling in a Train, Plane or a Car, will you take those modes of transport along with you? No… Same way when meditation happens, the witnessing starts and the role of techniques ends. Techniques are only a mode of transport. Now you will ask ‘If meditation is not technique, then why do you keep on teaching techniques?’

I do this to make your body and mind accustomed and trained to grasp that final understanding, the meditation. Though that awareness is rooted deep inside every being, yet it has to be explored. A beginner will always try to understand everything with the mind. He doesn’t know mindfulness or mindlessness. The moment he enters the subtle body, he becomes aware of the mind. Now he can transcend mind, he can start witnessing the mind and suddenly meditation happens. It starts flowing like the breath, every moment without any effort.

Beware of Mind…

Mind always has the quest to acquire or learn something great or superhuman. It misses anything that is simple and natural. Meditation techniques developed by various self realised individuals are so simple that mind refuses to follow them. Out of ego, it thinks that I know this. Out of ego, it rejects the simple ways. Out of ego, it thinks that these methods are of no use. It is not your fault. From childhood you have been trained to satisfy your ego, accept challenges, cross hurdles and conquer the unconquerable. Every individual is striving to satisfy his ego and in the process forgetting the simple and natural things that are of paramount importance in spiritual progress.

Explore what is best for you…

No two individuals are alike. So there can be no one technique of meditation for all individuals. Varied backgrounds, age, sex and cultures have their effect on human mind. So, one has to explore the right technique suitable for oneself. In fact you don’t need to choose, you just follow the Master’s advice and the technique will itself choose you. Once you have explored the right method for you, immediately forget other methods otherwise mind will start playing its deception games and you will always remain confused.

Once the chosen technique has achieved its objective of attaining awareness, immediately drop that technique also. You don’t need to carry your transporter along with you now. Mind will not allow you to drop the past but that past is not your being. As soon as you are aware, remain in present and drop each and everything associated with the past. Meditation happens only when all dreams, desires and techniques have disappeared.

So, the best technique in the end is to drop all techniques.