Music Therapy

What is Music Therapy

Since time immemorial humans have used music to express and affect emotions. Music therapyis as old a technique where music by skilled trained therapists is used as a medium to achieve desired physical, mental and emotional health. Music can change mood of a person in a very short time. It can have stimulant or sedative effects. It can also alter physiologic processes such as heart rate and breathing. In modern times it is extensively used for the well being of patients in recovery homes to lower the stress level as a complementary medicine. It is also found be very effective for women in labour. Scope is ever widening with music therapy not only being used in homes but also in schools, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, nursing homes and community centers.

Music is not only therapeutically beneficial for people with physical, emotional, social, or cognitive deficits but also for those healthy ones to relax, de-stress or rejuvenate. Moreover it does not have any harmful side effects like drugs. Apart from being beneficial for patients for behavioural therapy and pain management music can also help in improving communication and academic skills, focus, concentration and motoring skills. In modern medicine lot of research was done on music therapy after its beneficial effects came to limelight following World War II, leading to it being studies and formalized as a complementary healing therapy.

Effects of music

It has been proven scientifically that music can bring changes to brain function. Rhythmic musiccombined with meditation can be used to guide the body into breathing in slower, deeper patterns resulting in physical relaxation and calming effect. The type of music also affect heart rate and blood pressure patterns.Heartbeat changes in response to volume and speed of music, louder and faster noises raising heart rate and blood pressure while slower, and softermusic calms and relax the heart rate. Levels of endorphins, natural pain relievers produced by the body, are increased while listening to a favourite music.It also decreases the levels of stress hormones and improve immune function. A study at Michigan State University in 1993 showed that exposure of even 15 minutes to music could increase interleukin-1 levels resulting in heightened immunity.

We are aware that the type and style of music can sharpen mental acuity, enhance memory and learning. This can be used in children for better performance specially in children with learning disabilities.It can also be used to enhance productivity and concentration. “Mozart effect” is an example when listening to music showed marked improvement in math problem solving skills of college students. As a type of music can enhance mental acuity, the other type of music can assist in relaxation and calming of thoughts. It has been used by meditation masters, Sufis and Mystics since time immemorial to go beyond mind and its effects. The ability of music to influence human emotion can be a very valuable therapeutic tool to create feelings of calmness.

Music can…

Reduce the perceived intensity of pain. 

Motivateto perform in pressure situations.

­Increase workout endurance.

Speed up post-workout recovery.

Improve sleep quality.

Enhance blood vessel function.

Reduce stress and anxiety.

Induce a meditative state.

Relieve symptoms of depression.

Elevate mood.

Relax patients before surgery.

De-stress after surgery. 


Studies have shown that not only humans are benefited with music but plants also grow better and live longer when exposed to certain types of music.Not only this, animals also are influenced by certain types of musicfor example Cows and buffalos are found to produce significantly higher milk when exposed to certain types of music. It is a well established fact that the type of musichas a profound effect on our body and state of mind.

SadgurudevSatyashri has combined music with the ancient therapy of Chakra cleansing to create various meditative sounds to promote physical and mental well being in a natural way.

Sadgurudev tells that Drums are connected to the Muladhara chakra. Big pipes or trumpets (wind instruments) affect Swadhishthan chakra. The third chakra, Manipur is stimulated by string instruments like the violin and the heart chakra, Anahat resonates with softer string instruments like guitar and piano. Flute stimulates the throat chakra Vishudhi and small bells are connected to the Ajña chakra considered to be the third eye of Shiva or the internal eye, between the eyebrows. The sound of the blowing of Shankha stimulates the Sahasrara or crown chakra. Out ancient sages knew this during Vedic times. It reflects in the architecture of many ancient temples that used to have seven big gateways that led to the main deity. Each gate was marked with different instrument that stimulated the particular chakra from Muladhara to Sahasrara. The outer gates had large drums, the next large trumpets, then string instruments and so on.

You know that sound is vibration but you may not be aware that each chakrahas a specific vibration and mantra.Vedic sages used mantras that were in harmony with each chakra, with an aim to open and harmonize the system. Meditating with these chakra mantras have a very powerful effect.


Five Beej Mantras

These are the basic mantras called bija mantras, or seed mantrasuniversally used in meditative practice to harmonize one’s energy.

OM:  The sound of creation that causes energy to gather and flow upward and outward. Om serves as a gathering mantra. Gathering inward energy and preparing that energy for movement. The mantra of acceptance and assent. It helps to accept the higher self and allow energy to flow openly and freely through you.

KREEM :  Stimulates lower chakras to awaken and begin purifying the body.

SHREEM:  Associated with the head and third eye. Promotes bodily and spiritual health.Also used to bring beauty and happiness to one’s senses.

HREEM:  Holds the healing powers and creativity. Awakens compassion and purifies the heart chakra.

HOOM :  Evokes breakdown of negative feelings. Spreads positivity and vitality through the body.


Seven Cleansing Mantras

LAM: The cleansing mantra chanted for Root Chakra associated with all physical and worldly matters.

VAM: The cleansing mantra chanted for Sacral Chakra, associated with sexuality, pleasure and creativity.

RAM: The cleansing mantra chanted for Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of personal power, increases ability to stand up for oneself, controls negative impulses and exercise greater self-control.

YAM: The cleansing mantra chanted for Heart Chakra characterising the power of love.

HAM: The cleansing mantra chanted to unblock Throat Chakra,  the means of communication and expression.

AUM (or OM):  The cleansing mantra to open Third Eye Chakra, the center, the seat of intuition and life purpose and awakening to inner wisdom.

OM or AH: The cleansing mantra for Crown Chakra, the connection to the divine, the Supreme Self.