Sadgurudev Satyashri



Enlightening Millions around the World


Mool-Healing-683x1024SADGURUDEV SATYASHRI is, an enlightened Master and internationally acclaimed Spiritual personality of recent times. He has simplified meditation and spirituality so that each and every individual can experience divine bliss.  His message is simple and entire work is focused on welfare of all beings. He has decoded and unraveled ancient secrets of life and delivered them to masses in a simple and practical way.

“Sadgurudev” has spread the message of equality and brotherhood to people following different faiths and religions. People who come to seek his blessings and guidance include intellectuals, political leaders, film and sports personalities, bureaucrats, scientists, medical practitioners, engineers and people from other walks of like.

One line philosophy of “Sadgurudev” is “Know thy Self and experience the Divine Bliss”.


The Spiritual Journey

His Holiness SADGURUDEV SATYASHRI ji started visiting this Earth on 08th June, 1970 in a religious family. Both parents worked as teachers in Punjab, India where he completed his initial education. His spiritual quest started in early teens. He studied and practiced various Vedic spiritual streams and was deeply involved in exploring the sayings of Kabir Saheb, Sikhism, Nirankari, Radha Swami, Babaji, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Datta Parampara, Sai Baba of Shirdi, Taoism, Johrei, Buddhism and Jainism etc. but he revere his Master Brahmaleen Col. Sant Amar Singh jiMaharaj the most as he was the force behind his enlightenment which happened on 05th  April 2012 when he was in Samadhi for the first time. Incidentally it happened to be the auspicious day of Mahavir Jayanti according to Hindu Calandar.

Along with spiritual upliftment, Sant Col. Amar Singh jiMaharaj also passed on the ancient healing secrets to Sadgurudev Satyashri and He clubbed those ancient secrets of Spirituality, Meditation, Kudalini, Mool&Beej Mantras with his knowledge of music to make them practically beneficial for suffering masses. More than Ten million people around the globe have benefited from Mool Mantra Sadhna. Sadgurudev is against commercialisation of spirituality and religion, so he is following ancient Guru-Shishya practice where he does not charge anything for bestowing a devotee with a Mool Mantra.

While sharing his spiritual experiences with the world he says,“One, infinite energy expresses itself in the form of consciousness, eternal peace, happiness and bliss. The aim of all types of meditation, yoga or any other religious or spiritual pursuits is to experience that energy or consciousness.”


Reaching out to Masses

Most of modern day ailments are somewhere related to mind and stress in our lives. Mool Mantra Sadhna& Meditation techniques developed by Sadgurudev are an effective remedy to transcend mind and tackle stress related issues. He has developed all these techniques by applying Vedic & scientific approach. Though,these techniques are quite simple yet highly effective for Self-realisation and Self-healing.

Since beginning of this century, Sadgurudev has been travelling far off places to spread his message of ‘Self-healing through Self-realisation’. There are numerous people who have experienced Sadgurudev’s spiritual powers to diagnose and heal a patient by looking at him or by distant healing. Many Doctors and Scientists have also experienced these spiritual powers. They were surprised at the speedy recovery from their chronic ailments by listening and chanting Mool Mantras developed by Sadgurudev.

Sadgurudev says that “It is the grace of God that cures an individual. Faith leads you to experience His grace.” The Vedas, Upnishads, Holy Bible, Sri Gurugranth Sahibji, Quran-e-Pak, Dhammapada, Spiritual scriptures related to of all other religions, faiths and Spiritual Masters corroborate this fact.