Illness to Wellness… The Spiritual Way

Humans have been suffering from diseases and trying to find out ways to get rid of them since time immemorial. Humans are intrigued to study the cause and remedy of their sufferings. Today, Allopathy has gained widespread acceptance because of numerous advances in modern science and diagnostic facilities. These advances have helped in providing physical and metaphysical relief, but the root cause behind many diseases is still not known. Moreover there are new diseases erupting from nowhere.

Modern science can’t even tell conclusively, why a particular person is affected by a particular disease. There have been instances where one sibling of twins catches a particular disease and the other is healthy. Though both of them are born of same parents, living in same environment and following the same lifestyle yet they suffer differently. Approach of modern science is to work on symptoms of the disease. In many cases it does not actually cure the disease permanently and the patient has to take medicines throughout his life.


The Spiritual Perspective

According to the ancient Indian philosophy, there can be three causes of a disease – physical, metaphysical (psychological, related to mind) and spiritual. We all know that physical body is made from a micro seed. Modern science also has started accepting that there are hereditary diseases or the diseases that can occur in a family after some generations. Here comes the role of spirituality and spiritual healing along with the prescribed medical treatment.

Most people are unable to perceive subtle frequencies that affect physical, metaphysical and spiritual level. Following a spiritual way of life makes one’s mind purer, so the negative thoughts and negative energies cannot disturb the physical and psychological equilibrium, resulting in better health. It doesn’t mean that a spiritual person will not attract diseases. It simply means that he is well equipped to counter illness as compared to a person who is not following spiritual practice.


The Three Subtle Components

Electrons, protons and neutrons make the physical world but it is governed by Trigunas – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. These components are also called the subtle or metaphysical body which cannot be seen or measured by any physical instrument. The predominant basic component in a thing or person will emit the related vibrations in his surroundings. Each person has all these three components in varied quantities. There is a saying that a man is known by the friends he keeps. If one lives surrounded by persons having negative thoughts and criminal mindset, there are more chances of him following the same. Same way, one can increase the desired component of Sattva by following spiritual practice and living with spiritual persons who emit positive energies.


Qualities of Triguna’s

Sattva stands for purity, knowledge and righteousness. It is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Sat’, meaning truth. This man can be recognised by his noble and selfless deeds towards the society. He experiences bliss in serving the society and all beings. He believes in helping others and does not long for any recognition or reward in lieu of that. Sattva represents fearlessness, pure heartedness, charity, self-restraint, austerity, truthfulness, compassion and modesty.

Rajas stands for action, change, passion, birth, creation, generation and preservation. Rajas is considered to be more positive than Tamas and less positive than Sattva. The word is derived from the word ‘Raja’ meaning King, thus the traits are similar to that of a King. His sense of right or wrong is subjective, based on situation and person. He takes all his actions to fulfil his worldly objectives and personal gains.

Tamas stands for darkness, ignorance, negativity and lethargy. This person enjoys harming others and the society. He is ignorant of worldly or spiritual knowledge and enjoys living in darkness, draining his energy in useless activities. He acts blindly without considering about consequences. Tamas also reflects materialisation and solidification.


Change from Tamsik to Satvik

The Sattva component is the subtlest, intangible and nearest to divinity. Increase in Sattva component translates into peace and harmony. Increase in Rajas or Tamas component translates into anxiety and destabilisation of the five cosmic elements of creation which form the physical body of a being. Spiritual level of a person, decide the intensity of vibrations emanating from him. As a person generates more Sattva component within himself, he starts receiving and emitting positive energies.

By Spiritual Healing we mean Healing the physical body and mind by following spiritual practices. As a person grows spiritually, the ignorance of the five senses and mind is reduced. The illuminating Self within, starts penetrating the physical body, reach outside and spread positive healing vibrations. The more Sattva component within us means the better personality, less solidification of mind and thoughts, thus less prone to illness and also quick recovery. A spiritual person will have contentment and happiness which will result in less mental stress and associated problems that translate into diseases. He will surrender his ego and be more the humble.

Environment of Sattva is not only favourable for holistic well being of a person, it is also a boon for the society. When the self centred Tamsik approach of ‘I’ is converted to a Satvik approach of ‘We’ then the body starts syncing with the nature and the Supreme Self. One experiences unity with the One.

I-llness becomes We-llness.