Meditate…. and be your own Counsellor.

In today’s competitive world day to day life of a student or an employee can be very stressful. There are many aspects of life that are responsible for this stress, like pressure to perform, relationships and career. Latest surveys have revealed that younger people are more likely to take leave from work due to stress and tiredness. Unhealthy lifestyle, junk food and work pressure keep on raising the stress levels in everyday life. But stress is not always harmful.


Stress is harmful only when it is excessive. So there is no point in condemning stress outright as most of the times stress is helpful, stimulating and motivating. Any attempt to completely avoid stress can lead to a boring life. Then why do we condemn stress? Because when stress becomes unbearable it creates psychosomatic problems that lead to physical ailments.


Scientific researches have proved that a person having more stressful life shows an increased resistance to cortisol, a stress hormone that keeps body’s inflammatory response to infection in check. More stress level and higher cortisol resistance means it is difficult for the body to deal even with mild infections like cough and cold. Later on this chronic stress leads to long term illness like diabetes, BP and heart disease.


Source of stress


Though there is no definite definition of source of stress but there are four primary sources of stress.


*Environment – noisy environment, pollution, traffic and weather can build stress.

*Physiological – Long illness, inadequate sleep, mall nutrition and hormonal imbalance contribute to increased stress.

*Mind – Thought process and one’s response to a situation. Negative thoughts can also build stress. Financial problems, social and emotional issues also contribute to increased stress.


Symptoms of stress


Though stress primarily affects the mind but its symptoms can be seen physically. These symptoms can be of various forms.


Physical Symptoms include muscular tension, high blood pressure, indigestion, sleeplessness, fatigue, headaches & backaches.

Emotional Symptoms include depression, unwanted anger, fear, anxiety and mood swings.

Cognitive Symptoms include unwanted and repetitive thoughts, loss of concentration.


Be your own counsel


Ninety percent cases of stress can be handled by simple counseling and stress management techniques.


*Live close to nature. Spend some time in gardening or a simple walk in natural surroundings.

*Give yourself time to gauge your stress reactions.

*Plan and organise your day to day activity and live a balanced life-style. Take a short 10 minute break in between your work.

*Develop a sense of spirituality and learn meditation and relaxation techniques

You yourself can be your own counsel and doctor. You yourself need to pay attention to your well being. Discuss your problems with a trusted friend. Give words to your thoughts. Never keep them in the depth of your heart. Speak up. This can give you a sense of control.


Samarpan Yog Meditation Techniques


These techniques can be extremely helpful in stress management. By applying Samarpan Yog Meditation techniques one can spend a short period of time in a state of profound relaxation where  both body and mind are at rest. There is no interference from the outside world for this period of time. Practice of Samarpan Yog Meditation techniques can provide a calming and relaxing feeling. You yourself can feel enhanced energy levels after a meditation session. Three are many researches that have reported the positive effects of regular practice of these techniques.


Many people come to me and say that they want to learn and get benefit from these techniques but they don’t have sufficient time to come to a training session. If you are one of them, the following advice is precisely for you. Just sit quietly for 20 minutes. Order your mind not to interrupt you in your session with spirituality. Put on a some favourite music. Focus on some beautiful flower, tree, water body, or a mountain. Imagine that you are also a tree or a flower and enjoying in those natural surroundings. Breathe deeply. Assure yourself with each breath in and breath out that the Supreme Self is always there to protect you.


Don’t wonder aimlessly.


The root cause of stress is general unhappiness and aimlessness. The vision and values of life are not clear hence there is a lack of purpose. Give yourself time, meditate, clarify your values and understand the meaning of life. Spiritually speaking mind is a negative force and it always need a guide to remain on right path. Try to find out a life style that keeps you in peace and harmony with your surroundings.


Make right choices according to your aim and preferences in life. You may want to be an artist or a musician but your family may be against your choice. Don’t let the failure to convince your family take a toll on your mental well being. Meditation will help you surpass the question bank and negativity created by mind leading you to clarity of thoughts.


Mind is a myth. It creates confusions. Only your own Self can heal you.