Music of Silence

According to modern science the lack of audible sound or absence of communication medium is termed as silence. Spirituality is just the opposite of that. Here it doesn’t mean noiselessness. It means total communication with the Self. In worldly affairs silence is also classified as positive or negative. This is because very few individuals in the history of mankind have been able to experience silence. In spirituality silence transcends both positive and negative, though its effects are positive. It is not even emptiness. It is overflowing of music of life energy.

Music is present inside YOU

Some of you have already started thinking that I am talking about some fictitious object. It is unfamiliarity to the joy of silence and lack of understanding to the inner world that makes one feel so. No one in the world can make you happy or sad, other than your own mind. Music of silence is always present inside but you are not able to enjoy it because your mind has been trained to look for enjoyments in the outside world.

You are searching for love in others but the fact is that love rests inside you. It is your being. It is you, but only he will realise who looks inside, who meditates. If a person meditates regularly in a proper way, sooner or later he will realise this. He will reach a state when physical love that is created by the mind will transform into spiritual love. Thoughts will start disappearing and you will experience that the whole existence is dancing in the music of silence.

Love and Peace attained through meditation is Eternal

Mind has limitations. It is just like a processor of a computer that the processes the information that has been fed to it by various input devices like eye, ear, nose etc. It has just been analysing that information and giving you the results. Due to of ignorance about your inherent Self, you are thinking the mind to be the master. Mind fails to accept that it cannot realise the Self. It cannot find love or peace. Only meditation can.

The property of the world is to die and disappear. Same way the anything achieved in or by the world will die and disappear but the love and peace attained through meditation will never disappear. It will reside in you. Truly speaking you reside in it. You will always feel joyous and at peace without any reason and will develop compassion, a refined form of love energy, towards all beings.

Spirituality is Ethereal

Compassion is the quality of the divine as love is the quality of humans and sex is the quality of animals. It is the same energy that is transforming itself according to your level of awareness. Compassion happens from your being so it is spiritual. Love is with the mind, the same energy transforming into psychological form and sex is physical.

The basic difference is the qualitative experience and time duration. Physical being the lowest form disappears in a moment. Psychological the intermediate, considered better than physical has a slightly longer life span and qualitative experience. Spiritual is eternal, it is not affected by change in external factors or situations.

Meditation liberates you from the prison of worldly noises of thoughts. It cleans the mind that has been polluted by various ideologies and works as a bridge to take you closer to your being, your Self. It teaches you to be aware, just being a witness to the mind. In the process you yourself are taming the mischief maker and spreading a fragrance of positivity.

Atambodh enables you to hear the Music of Silence

The process of ‘Atambodh’, realising the Self, has started. Self is not created by you or your mind. What you are seeing as your personality or your physical form is not you. It is only a reflection created by mind. It is only the outer part of the wheel surface that you are seeing which sometimes feels to be on the top and at other times is grounded to the earth, moving all the times. The real you reside in the hub, in the centre which is stationary, though it is witness to all the outer movements.

Man lives at the physical level most of the times. An experienced Master, slowly and steadily leads you to the core of your being, absolute aloneness. This is your true Self which is neither dependent nor affected by the external world. An eternal peace pervades there. An eternal bliss is experienced. Petals open and the fragrance start spreading. You start enjoying the music of silence.