Be Natural – Just Now

Meditation has been here since time immemorial. It is your basic nature, your very being. Then why it seems difficult to attain? It is because of the mind. Mind creates confusion, like the weeds growing on a pond of clear water. As soon as the weeds are removed one has access to the clear water. You are unable to see the weeds created by the mind and roam here and there to quench your thirst. You have designed various ways to manufacture water artificially but are not ready to cleanse the weeds.

Just imagine that in a dream you have gone to an unknown planet for the first time. There you find aliens who are very friendly and start talking to you. Slowly and steadily you develop an emotion bond with them and start loving them. Fully engaged in the new games that you have discovered, you have forgotten your original home. Years passed, you have grown older and now you think yourself to be a part of that land. This is same as forgetting the incidents that happened in your childhood.

Suddenly one day your mind says that you want to search your roots. You want to know who you are. There is no one in the land to answer your question because all others are also wandering. They are also travelling in the same boat. Now you start following various ways that have been followed by the inhabitants of that planet to find their roots and peace of mind. Suddenly you are awake from the dream.

You start thinking. You know that you were not the man in the dream. Then who was He? It has to be you. Who else saw and experienced that dream? It has to be you because no one else knows about it. Then you reach to a conclusion that it was not my body, it was my mind.

The Mind Rises and falls with the Body

But where is the mind in the body? What happens to it when you are in deep sleep or dead? Whose mind is it anyway? Yours? No. It can’t be yours. Even your name is not yours. It has been given to you by your parents. Even your body is not yours. It is the part of nature. It is like a sampling that grows from a seed and then becomes a tree, bears flowers and fruits and then falls one day. As the body falls, mind also falls. It rises with the body and falls with it.

Body grows naturally even if there is no mind. It is the mind that makes a web of various thoughts and you are caught in that web, like a cocoon. You want freedom and apply different techniques but nothing seems to be useful as you have forgot your basic nature.

Free yourself with Meditation

Everywhere in this world people are struggling to be free from one or another thing. It may be a struggle to find an emotion balance in relations, professional rivalry, fight against repressive political  system or a struggle to free oneself from the conditionings of the society that have become the false nature of your being. This struggle is just a natural reaction against something that has become a bondage.


Meditation is only way to stop the mind from playing its self generated vicious games. This will let the outgoing chattering mind to relax and rest in Self, become your slave and instead of enslaving you. It will be under control, letting you enjoy the day to day activity and in turn increase productivity, peace, health and intelligence.

The Power of Belief in oneself

I can tell you from my experience that one can never get free unless one goes beyond the mind, unless one experiences who he is… body, mind or soul. This can happen in a second. Just say to yourself that I am free, I am not body or mind. I am the eternal energy which is always free. I have no bondage. Just assure yourself that you are not body or mind. The best way for realising this is by returning to the present and living moment to moment. Don’t search for anything, just live as your are, giving your hundred percent to each and every moment.

If you are reading give your hundred percent and read – just read, if you are walking then just walk, if you are eating then just eat. Do not mix activities and give your complete attention to the singular activity you are doing at that very moment.

Do not let the mind to go in the past or in the future. This is natural meditation. Be natural – Just Now.