Live a richer life

One can live a fulfilled and contended life only if he knows his full potential, only if he knows who he is. This is the question ancient saints have been asking to themselves – Who am I? Whether I am a body, a mind or a soul? How can I find out all this?


The method they chose to know an answer to this question is known as meditation. The beauty of this method is such that the deeper you explore yourself inside, more its fragrance flows outside. It is the inner science with no outside interference. Anyone can explore and experiment deep inside himself, without any obligation to get affiliated with any organization or ideology. One just needs a Master who guides him with different meditative techniques and then he can walk alone.

Modern scientific research has proved that meditation reduces anxiety and stress. It also reduces stress related diseases like depression and blood pressure. It encourages positive feelings like calmness and happiness. It not only improves general health of heart by reducing blood pressure but also helps in reducing cholesterol levels and post operative healing. People who do regular meditation are better equipped to deal with viral and other infections as a result of increased immunity.

I have been teaching meditation to numerous people and have seen marked improvement in pain management to common problems like osteoarthritis, knee pains, back pains and headaches. Our Vedic Saints believed that even aging can be reversed through meditation. Scientific research also shows that prefrontal cortex of the brain is activated in a person who does regular meditation. This is contrary to the process of aging.

But how exactly to do meditation? Lets start from the beginning

Step 1: Watch yourself

First of all start believing that you yourself can help yourself. Start watching your daily routine and actions. Just watch all your day to day actions without interfering in them. At the end of the day give yourself 15 minutes time and analyse your each and every action throughout the day, again without thinking whether it was good or bad, it was desired or not, remain relaxed and just watch.


Step 2: Think Variations

If you feel that you have reacted adversely to some situation, don’t get tense. Just think positively what other reactions could have been in that type of situation. Do not think which could be good or bad. Just think about different variations. It seems that stress takes over you from outside but believe me it is not so. It depends entirely on your inner being to be occupied by stress or not. It is entirely an inside phenomenon but you find reasons outside because you are not aware of inside process.


Step 3: Accept your being

It is a competitive world. You have to complete targets, have to earn a livelihood, have to maintain relations and all that creates stress in your mind. Stop comparisons. You are unique. Each and every individual is unique. No one can be compared to another. Each individual has own positive and negative points. Stop comparing even your past, present and future times. All this create stress.


Try to find out the positive points of your nature. Always nourish your positive points and special talents that you may have. This way the energy you have been consuming for stress can be converted into positive energy.


Step 4: Love yourself and all beings

Love is a great healer, for others and for yourself too. Love makes things happen. Whatever you do, put your purest love and intensity in that. There is a saying that if you make food with love can compassion, it is automatically filled with taste. You cannot imagine the joy of love until you start loving each and every being and task. When there is love and compassion there is no competition and comparison because love is not mathematics. In love one plus one is not two, it is one. So when there is no other person to compete or compare then there is no stress or tension.


Now coming to the detailed process of meditation that I have invented. In fact it should not be followed as a process but as a way of life. This is a powerful and fundamental meditation which each and every person working in the corporate world should practice.


For the first week just try and stay silent for 4 hours. Don’t utter a single word to anyone. See and hear all things happening around you but do not speak. If necessary give instruction only by gestures or by writing. This will condition you to go deeper inside yourself.


In the second week consciously start smiling and laughing at each and every situation. Create situations where you can laugh on small things. Let other people also follow you. This will help in removing all inhibitions.


In the third week along with keeping silent and laughing at all situations, start forgiving every person for whatever mistakes they have been making. Also forgive them for inflicting any hurt to you in past or present.


You have entered the fourth week with a thoroughly cleansed heart and fewer emotions. Now just become the watcher, following the practice followed in the first three weeks. While going to sleep just feel the sensation of wellbeing within you. While walking in a park just feel plants and flowers rejoicing, and rejoice with them. Sit in the sun and feel the warmth. Sit with your feet in water and feel the calmness.


As you practice this meditation you will slowly start experiencing a harmonious music inside you which will always keep your body in harmony with the inner and the outer world. Your mind will be in control and cannot cast its impressions on your being. Mind is a myth. It belongs to your upbringing and impressions of various types. Your body is a part of nature. Its roots go deep inside your existence. It tries to say many things to you. Try to listen to its subtle vibrations and let it be in harmony with the nature. Just as the complete solar system moves around the sun, the whole body revolves around the heart. Your existence starts and ends with the beating of heart.


The energy that transform into beating of heart is love. From now on stop following your mind and start understanding your heart. Follow Samarpan Yog techniques and live a life filled with love and compassion. Meditation makes you compassionate, alive and intelligent.


Meditate and make your life richer.