You don’t need a Doctor, You need Meditation.

I have discussed earlier about human body, mind and its functioning and meditation. What is meditation? Do you think it as a technique that can be mastered and practiced or do you think it as an accomplishment which mind can achieve? It is neither of them. Anything that can be done by utilising the energies of mind cannot be meditation because mind is only an instrument to process the inputs given to it by the sensory organs. Meditation is beyond mind.


Mind cannot be of any help in meditation. It cannot understand meditation because meditation starts where mind ends. One has to always remember this fact that mind cannot penetrate meditation because mind can do its calculations only in the physical world. There is a no-entry for it in the spiritual world. It is proved by the simple fact that mind can work only during awake or dream state. It does not exist when a person is in fast sleep.


Whatsoever we do or achieve in our life during awake state, we do it through the mind. Because of this very reason we try to understand meditation with the mind. Mind always think in terms of techniques and methods because every experience in life is based on the impressions accumulated and processed by the mind. The fact is that you can do everything in life with mind but not meditation. Because meditation is is your true nature. It cannot be achieved. The only effort that has to be done is to recognise it.


Be your own Doctor!


Just start looking inside and it is there. It is always present but you have forgotten. Self bereft of mind is the True Self but we try to find the Self by the mind. This is the reason why we are not able to find the True Self. One has to realise that problems exist until the doer and the acceptor exist. As soon as the ‘I’ (aham bhav) is surrender, all the problems vanish.


All problems, mental and physical lives in the mind. If one tries to solve a problem, the other problem starts erupting. The chain is never broken. It can be broken only when mind cease to exist. Mind is the root cause.  It is the root problem. It creates all problems. Don’t try to solve trivial problems. Try to find a solution to rectify the root problem. If you are able to tackle the root cause, all the adversities may it be mental or physical will be automatically addressed.


Samarpan Yog meditation is the only solution. It is a state of no mind. It is absence of thoughts and emotions. It aims at bringing forth a state of mental and physical well being and realising the True Self. Your true nature is always free from diseases and afflictions. It is the mind that is creating problems, mental and physical. The best way to be your own doctor is to meditate and be aware and master of your mind.


The Technique


To start with just sit comfortably with a straight spine, head bending a little forward and eyes closed. Just be aware of the in and out breath and its rhythm. When you practice this simple meditation, the energy moves towards the centre and settles there. When you are doing some physical work, or even talking or reading, the energy moves out. In this modern corporate and material world for majority of people inside has no existence. For them only outside exists. This starts creating problems because the truth is that only inside is real, outside is just a dream.


When one starts moving inside, he experiences the light within. The light without any source. A new understanding about Self and mind is experienced. Observer and the observed are dissolved and the energy of life in the form of light starts flowing like the free flowing water of the Ganges, washing away all the weeds accumulated on the path.