It was an exceptional experience
It was an exceptional experience to be associated with AAS . The amount of work done for social upliftment is something which has given me immense pleasure .
Blessings from Sadgurudev Satyashri has
Blessings from Sadgurudev Satyashri has changed my life for good . I’m very fortunate to have meet Sadgurudev in Sai Dham Shirdi and ever since my life has changed for good and I feel very positive and blessed .
Jai Jai Sadgurudev Greetings !
Jai Jai Sadgurudev Greetings ! Sadgurudev Satyashri is a reincarnation of Sai and we are blessed to learn self healing techniques from Sadgurudev . Sadgurudev’s self healing meditations techniques
have helped millions across the globe live healthy , wealthy and prosperous life .
Namaste Guruji , It gives
Namaste Guruji , It gives me an immense pleasure to share my experience , I was suffering from long time back end problem due to my work nature ; thanks to Sadgirudev’s healing techniques and natural herbal Ayurvedic medicines my age old back problem has vanished in just a matter of few months .
You rarely come across a
You rarely come across a person who can explain spirituality in a scientific way.
I feel grateful to have Satyashri as my guide to achieve inner peace.
I have seen Him uplift the lives of many, in His mystic ways.
There are many paths in
There are many paths in Spirituality. Sai Baba of Shirdi helped the poor, eradicated diseases and healed them.
Same is being done by Sadgurudev Satyashri through His All Natural Wellness Revolution.
We do face problems in
We do face problems in life. But one thing that has changed in my life after following Sadgurudev is that now I know how to be happy even during difficult times.
My Guru resides in my Sai, My Sai resides in my Guru.
The insight given by Sadgurudev
The insight given by Sadgurudev Satyashri is enlightening.
Meditation techniques designed by Him not only helps to uplift spiritually but also gives strength and confidence to do face the world without getting disturbed.
I definitely feel a sense of calmness and freedom.